Ayur- What Now? Podcast

A look at the traditional Indian health science of Ayurveda in a way that is understandable and applicable to your modern life. The early episodes are like an Ayurvedic Theory Class and you’ll learn all the principles of Ayurveda. Later episodes will answer questions that arise when we try to navigate the world of Ayurveda in our lives and communities.

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Friday Jul 19, 2024

It has now been about a month since Jerry received his Ayurvedic recommendations. In this podcast, we're going to check in on how he's doing. What results has he seen? Are his symptoms better or worse? 

Friday Jul 19, 2024

In the last episode, we did an Ayurvedic intake on Jerry. There were so many questions about his state of physical health and about his diet and lifestyle. It is likely that an Ayurvedic Practitioner visit will take much longer than your typical doctor's visit.  We broke the session up into two parts- first to ask the questions and then to explore some answers...
Mary has taken the information from the last podcast and looked at it through the lens of Ayurveda and will give him an explanation today for why she sees things the way she does. she'll also give him some dietary and lifestyle modifications that should help to resolve some of his challenges. 

Friday Jul 19, 2024

In this podcast we do an Ayurvedic Intake on Jerry. 
This episode will give you a good view of what an initial visit with an Ayurvedic Health Counselor may look like. An Ayurvedic Health Counselor or Wellness Coach will ask many (many, many) questions to help identify the doshic imbalance and potential dietary and lifestyle influences on the current state of health. 
In this podcast, Jerry will share health information that will allow me to identify the state of his doshas so that he can begin practices to bring them back into balance. 
This episode is questions only, answers come next time!

Friday Jul 19, 2024

Once you have identified the Dosha that is out of balance, you can take action by addressing the diet and lifestyle to bring that Dosha back into balance.
In the last two podcasts, we've looked at how to identify Kapha dosa imbalance in their physical symptoms and in their mental and emotional expression. If the Kapha has become too slow, heavy, or dull - then it's time to shake things up a bit! 
Kapha is balanced when the diet is light and spicy and the lifestyle is active. 
Listen to this podcast for some tips on bringing Kapha dosha back in line!

Thursday Jul 18, 2024

Many people are curious about Ayurveda and are not sure about seeing a practitioner. There are different levels of practitioners... Health Counselors, Ayurvedic Practitioners, and Ayurvedic Doctors (trained either in the US or in India)... it can be very confusing.
In this podcast we break that down for you so you can make a more informed choice if you decide to seek an Ayurvedic Medical approach to your health care. 
We also hope that by hearing what happens at an Ayurvedic visit, we'll alleviate any fear that you may feel about that. 

Thursday Jul 18, 2024

Addiction can be defined as the continued use of a substance or activity despite negative consequences.  So many of our choices can fall into this description.
Choices become addiction when we feel powerless to discontinue the use of the substance or engage in the activity. There are big ticket addictions that get lots of attention, like drugs and alcohol, and "lesser" addictions that may still pose health consequences, like sugar and caffeine. 
In this podcast we look at the Ayurvedic approach to uprooting addictions and filling that void with healthier options.

Thursday Jul 18, 2024

Stress- it is estimated that more than 75% of chronic diseases that we experience are caused by stress. Our lives seem to be moving faster than we can tolerate and we are pulled in so many different directions... 
In this podcast we take a look at stress and our coping mechanisms, both healthy ones and unhealthy ones.  We also discuss how to cultivate (and enjoy) those healthy coping mechanisms. 
Stress happens! It is our reaction to it that causes our imbalances. 

Thursday Jul 18, 2024

This is such a huge topic! So many people are dissatisfied with their current size and shape - whether one is overweight or underweight, Ayurveda can help. 
One first step is to listen to the podcasts on food choices and food habits so that you can avoid creating imbalance with eating.  
We all know it's not just that simple. In this podcast, we will explore the Doshic causes behind weight gain and loss and how to pacify the doha so you can achieve the body you want. 

Thursday Jul 18, 2024

It is often considered even more important how you eat than what you eat.  Ayurveda is all about bringing mindfulness to every activity and dining is not an exception.
In this podcast, we look at Ayurvedic guidelines to support your digestion of the foods you eat. 
The theme of mindfulness arose in our earliest podcasts and has been revisited many, many times.  These are some ways in which you can bring that mindfulness to your dining for the benefit of your digestive system and your overall health. 
Bon Appetit! 

Thursday Jul 18, 2024

This is my favorite topic when it comes to choosing the best foods for you!
These Eight Factors are introduced in the Charaka Samhita (a traditional text book of Ayurveda) and give you the tools you need to dine anywhere and to make the best choices for your meals.
We discuss these eight factors in this podcast and you can access an infographic about these factors at this link:  8 Factors InfoGraphic


Ayur... What now? 

If you have been wondering about what Ayurveda is, beyond its description as the holistic health science from India, and how you can learn more about it in a way that is accessible, affordable, and adaptable to your life... then you have found the right podcast!

Mary Thompson has been teaching Ayurveda in the US for over 25 years and her brother, Jerry Thompson, is a nursing educator with decades of experience in nursing and training nurses; his area of expertise is in psychiatric nursing.  Together they bring Ayurveda to you in an "East meets West" type of dialogue. 

You will learn about Ayurveda through a systematic introduction of the Ayurvedic principles and then we'll explore all the ways you may integrate these principles in your life and why you might want to do that. 

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