Ayur- What Now? Podcast
A look at the traditional Indian health science of Ayurveda in a way that is understandable and applicable to your modern life. The early episodes are like an Ayurvedic Theory Class and you’ll learn all the principles of Ayurveda. Later episodes will answer questions that arise when we try to navigate the world of Ayurveda in our lives and communities.

Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
If you don't have a Kapha friend in your circle, you may not realize how important they can be!
The Kapha personality is friendly and supportive, always ready to listen or lend a hand. There are some downsides to the Kapha nature, as well - we all have positive traits that we love and these are often balanced by our less positive character flaws.
In this episode, we explore all the characteristic of Kapha dosha's mental and emotional tendencies.

Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
People with Kapha dosha nature tend to have a little more tissue than others- The elements of Earth and Water combine to make them more heavy, dense, and fluidic. This translates into a softer and, somewhat, rounder physical appearance.
In this episode, we discuss what Kapha dosha looks like in people with a lot of this Dosha in their makeup as well as some common physical challenges they may face.

Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Feeling a little hot under the collar? When Pitta dosha goes out of balance the fires are raging.
In this episode, we discuss how to bring that hot Pitta dosha into balance using dietary and lifestyle modifications.
The great irony of the Doshas is that they crave those things that keep them out of balance. The good news is that once you put those fires out, you'll begin to enjoy the cooling foods and activities even more.

Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Pitta- sharp and fiery, this personality is a dynamo! Pitta has a clear vision and the will to make things happen. We all know a Pitta nature person and appreciate their bright side (leadership and competence) while being wary of their darker nature (tendency to anger or arrogance). In this episode we talk all about Pitta dosha - the good, the bad, and the ugly.
You may even recognize a little bit of yourself in here!

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Pitta Dosha shows up in Fiery ways in People. You might see that physically in their coloring or body temperature.
In this podcast, we take a closer look at how people with a lot of Pitta Dosha present.

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
In this podcast, we take a look at how Vata shows up when it's out of balance. The symptoms that may indicate a Vata imbalance tend to be symptoms of coldness, dryness, lightness, and mobility.
We'll also discuss how applying the opposite qualities via our diet and lifestyle can help to alleviate those symptoms.

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
One great way to identify the Dosha is when we look at the personality. This gives us a view into the mental and emotional tendencies of the person.
As you listen to this podcast, you may gain great clarity on the degree of Vata Dosha in your friends, family, and, even, in your self!

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
The dosas present in different ways in different people. One way we can see the Dosha is by taking a look at how our body looks and acts- The Physical Side of Things.
Over the next three podcasts, we'll be looking at Vata Dosha- Physicality, Personality, and Symptomatically.
As you listen you may catch glimpses of the Vata Dosha in you and in those around you.

Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
Did you know that the climate you live in can impact the Dosha? Some climates are cold and dry, creating more Vata in all the inhabitants! Of course hot and humid climates drive everyone's Pitta Dosha up. For Kapha the cool and moist qualities of climate make them feel especially heavy.
You can offset the impact of climate once you know it is negatively affecting you.
In this episode we talk about climate's effects and how to minimize those so you can stay balanced all year!

Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
By now, you are seeing the Doshas all around you. These energies show up in so many ways that it becomes impossible to miss them!
In this episode, we'll discuss how the Doshas can be seen in the qualities of the Seasons of the Year. With this awareness, we can make choices to stay healthy regardless of the weather!

Ayur... What now?
If you have been wondering about what Ayurveda is, beyond its description as the holistic health science from India, and how you can learn more about it in a way that is accessible, affordable, and adaptable to your life... then you have found the right podcast!
Mary Thompson has been teaching Ayurveda in the US for over 25 years and her brother, Jerry Thompson, is a nursing educator with decades of experience in nursing and training nurses; his area of expertise is in psychiatric nursing. Together they bring Ayurveda to you in an "East meets West" type of dialogue.
You will learn about Ayurveda through a systematic introduction of the Ayurvedic principles and then we'll explore all the ways you may integrate these principles in your life and why you might want to do that.