Ayur- What Now? Podcast

A look at the traditional Indian health science of Ayurveda in a way that is understandable and applicable to your modern life. The early episodes are like an Ayurvedic Theory Class and you’ll learn all the principles of Ayurveda. Later episodes will answer questions that arise when we try to navigate the world of Ayurveda in our lives and communities.

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Friday May 05, 2023

The Doshas have broad application. 
We've talked about how they may be seen in people and our environment, but their energies are also evident in the dynamic movement of time.  In this episode we explore the impact of the Dosha and the times of day.  
You will recognize the effect of the Dosha on your life and your habits.  

Friday May 05, 2023

Kapha Dosha is the stable, predictable dosha that provides terrific support to everyone and everything it is involved with.  
In this episode we continue our conversation about the Three Doshas with an emphasis on Kapha Dosha. Since we now have met all the players, we talk about how they are alike and how they are different as well as how they may show up in our environment. 

Thursday Apr 27, 2023

The fundamental principles of Ayurveda, the Doshas, are too much to contain in a single podcast.  In this episode, we take a deeper look at Pitta Dosha- the energy of transformation.  

Thursday Mar 30, 2023

The foundational principle of Dosha builds on the pairs of opposites and the elements to give us another dimension to understand the energies at play around us and within us.  
Doshas.  This is often the one thing that people know when they learn about Ayurveda. If you've been following along with us up until this point, you will understand how we determine what dosas are present.  
In this episode, we introduce the concept of Doshas.  In addition, we focus on one of these Doshas, Vata Dosha.  

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023

Wrapping up our look at the five elements, in this episode we discuss the elements of Air & Ether.  
Ether is a tricky one- it is the most subtle of the elements and, often, the hardest to fully identify.  
You may think while listening about people you know who exhibit the qualities of Air or Ether in their personalities.  

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023

The five elements are foundational principles of Ayurvedic Theory.  
In this episode, we take a closer look at the elements of Water & Fire and how these may show up in your body and mind.  What do they look like when we have too much and what are signs of deficiency.  
With a closer look at the elements, we can have develop a more proactive approach to creating health and balance. 

Thursday Mar 23, 2023

Ayurveda identifies five basic building blocks of all matter. They are referred to as the five elements and they are earth, water, fire, air, and ether. 
In this episode, we discuss the elements in general and focus on the Earth element in particular.  

Wednesday Mar 22, 2023

Continuing the discussion from the previous podcast, we take a closer look at these qualities in context.  The context of you~ Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally! 
We explore how to identify the qualities in yourself and how to bring these to balance through your dietary and lifestyle choices.  

Wednesday Mar 22, 2023

Some people say there are two kinds of people in the world... those who say there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don't.  Well I am one of those categorizing people and Ayurveda seems to agree with me.  
A fundamental principle of Ayurvedic understanding of the world is often referred to as "pairs of opposites," though rather than being either/or it is more attuned to a spectrum from one extreme to the other.  Ayurveda identifies 10 potentials for matter and recognizes that matter in its natural state expresses these potentials.  It also recognizes that when we are in a balanced state, we can identify these qualities in ourselves. 
For example, all matter has a temperature that may range from cold to hot. It has a weight range from heavy to light, a moisture content from wet to dry, and a mobile aspect from stable/static to unstable/freely mobile.  
In this episode we explore four of these ten pairs of opposites in detail to gain an understanding of how the world can be better understood. 

Friday Feb 03, 2023

Self-sabotage.  We all do it.  Ayurveda sees this as a Crime against the Wisdom you gained when exploring your world.  
The times we do those things that we know we shouldn't (or don't do those things we know we should) we go further down that path towards lifestyle-driven disease. 
In this episode, we talk about how Ayurveda sees our role in the cause of our state of health - how to identify it and how to make changes to invite greater health into your life. 


Ayur... What now? 

If you have been wondering about what Ayurveda is, beyond its description as the holistic health science from India, and how you can learn more about it in a way that is accessible, affordable, and adaptable to your life... then you have found the right podcast!

Mary Thompson has been teaching Ayurveda in the US for over 25 years and her brother, Jerry Thompson, is a nursing educator with decades of experience in nursing and training nurses; his area of expertise is in psychiatric nursing.  Together they bring Ayurveda to you in an "East meets West" type of dialogue. 

You will learn about Ayurveda through a systematic introduction of the Ayurvedic principles and then we'll explore all the ways you may integrate these principles in your life and why you might want to do that. 

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